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Some renally-impaired or elderly patients being treated for hypertension may require a lower starting dose of tenormin 25 mg given as one tablet a day.

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Tell your doctor about any allergies you have.and about all the medications you take.whether prescription or over-the-counter.vitamins.illegal or recreational drugs.what is the generic name for tenormin dietary or herbal they can affect how Atenolol works.and vice-versa.

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Beta blockers what is the generic name for tenormin exacerbate the rebound hypertension which can follow the withdrawal of clonidine. If the two drugs are coadministered.the beta blocker should be withdrawn several days before the gradual withdrawal of clonidine. If replacing clonidine by beta-blocker therapy.the introduction of beta blockers should be delayed for several days after clonidine administration has stopped.

A. Atenolol is considered safe and effective to treat certain long-lasting/permanent cardiovascular (heart) conditions.such as high blood pressure and angina (chest pain). Some patients experience side effects while taking atenolol.such as dizziness.lightheadedness.tiredness.drowsiness.depression.nausea.diarrhea. If these side effects do not what is the generic name for tenormin away.patients should contact their physician or health care provider. Uncommon.but serious side effects from atenolol include shortness of breath. swelling of the hands.feet.ankles.or lower legs. unusual weight gain. fainting. If these side effects are experienced.patients should contact their physician or health care provider right away. This information is solely educational.

Concomitant use of sympathomimetic agents.e.g. adrenaline (epinephrine).may counteract the effect of beta-blockers.

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