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Reglan is a brand-name prescription drug that may be used to treat symptoms caused by slow stomach emptying in people who have diabetes, among other health conditions, according to the national institutes of health.

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Information about Reglan.

This tardive dyskinesia from reglan treatment is not recommended for use in children due to an increased risk of serious side effects (such as muscle spasms/uncontrolled muscle movements). Ask the doctor or pharmacist for details.

slow or jerky muscle movements.problems with balance or walking. mask-like appearance in your face. very stiff (rigid) muscles.high or uneven heartbeats.tremors.feeling like you might pass out. depressed mood.thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself. hallucinations.anxiety.agitation.jittery feeling.trouble staying still. swelling.feeling short of breath.rapid weight gain. jaundice (yellowing of your skin or eyes). or seizure (convulsions).

Because metoclopramide produces a transient increase in plasma aldosterone.certain patients.especially those with cirrhosis or congestive tardive dyskinesia from reglan treatment failure.may be at risk of developing fluid retention and volume overload. If these side effects occur at any time during metoclopramide therapy.the drug should be discontinued.

Mental depression has occurred in patients with and without prior history of depression. Symptoms have ranged from mild to severe and have included suicidal ideation and suicide. Metoclopramide should be given to patients with a prior history of depression only if the expected benefits outweigh the potential risks.

According to the is not known if Reglan will harm fetuses. It can pass into breast milk and may harm a breast-feeding infant.

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